Mind Body Truth
Soulful Living Coach
...a Trauma Informed Integrative Approach to Healing.
Mindful Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Two Class times per week:
This Class, Mindful Flow Yoga is LIVE Online EVERY TUESDAY at 4:30pm CST via Zoom. Register for Class HERE (atleast one hour prior to class start time), then you will receive an email with a separate link to actually join the Zoom "meeting" aka Yoga Class!
This Class is also offered on EVERY FRIDAY, at 10:30AM CST via Zoom (until further notice). Register for class HERE (atleast one hour prior to class start time), then you will receive an email with a seperate link and a password to actually join the Zoom "meeting" aka Yoga Class!
**Class Costs $10 per class session, please send payment via;
Venmo to: @Nicki-Simonich
Paypal to: (click friends and family) InnerEssenceYoga@gmail.com
If you can't pay during this time, it's ok (I understand things may be hard right now, and I'm sorry for your financial distress) we're on the honor system, if you can please do.
This is an All Levels Mindful Flow class, options are always offered to modify postures for your specific needs. This is a great class for slowing down, getting out of the mind and connecting deeper to the body for stretching, strengthening, balance and rest. I consider this class a moving meditation; as we quiet the mind, breath and connect deeper to the present moment...all else melts away. Though we do take a mindful approach, there is opportunity to be challenged, if that's what you need.
Beginners to more experienced are welcome!
If you have questions about this class, please do email me!